At Hotel de Zeeuwse Stromen you will always stay in comfort and within walking distance of the coast
Each of our hotel rooms is accessible by elevator and stairs and is equipped with a television, large mirror and safe. Do you prefer a wooded area? Then please have a look at our accommodation types at the adjecent Dune Park. Even when spending the night at our Dune Park, you make use of all of our facilities as well as our super-fast wifi.
Room cleaning
Your room is refreshed daily which means that towels are changed and the trash is emptied. Read more about room cleaning.
Dog-friendly or pet-free?
Dogs are welcome guests at De Zeeuwse Stromen. Find out whether dogs are allowed per accommodation type. At dog-friendly accommodation types, there is a maximum number of 2 dogs. Dogs are allowed at an additional charge. This surcharge only concerns the costs for the overnight stay.
We have our own car park. Our prices do not include parking fees.